our clients Discover how our 400 clients accelerate their hiring

  • logo ryder


    How Seiza helped Ryder sourcing drivers

    How Seiza helped Ryder sourcing drivers candidates since 2018

  • transportation

    How DriverReach uses Seiza to leverage their customers' success and, in turn, their own success.

    How DriverReach uses Seiza to leverage their customers' success and, in turn, their own success.

  • Production

    How Atomic Recycling is constructing a new way to hire drivers with Seiza and targeted Facebook Ads

    How Seiza helped Atomic Recycling source candidates

  • transportation

    How TAZ Trucking keeps its trucks in motion with Seiza

    How Seiza helped Taz Trucking source drivers candidates

  • transportation

    How American Central Transport is keeping more of its trucks on the road with Seiza and targeted Facebook Ads

    How Seiza helped American Central Transport source candidates

  • Seiza caissière dans la distribution retail


    Discover Kelly Services x Seiza's Success story

    How Kelly Services is upping its game when it comes to social media recruiting

  • transportation

    How Centerline fights the driver shortage with Seiza

    How Centerline fights the driver shortage with Seiza.

  • Southwest logo


    How Southwest Airlines is Improving its Recruitment Thanks to employee advocacy.

    How Southwest Airlines is Improving its Recruitment Thanks to employee advocacy.

Accelerate your hiring